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Data Apps with KNIME

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Broaden the reach of data science

Remove complexity of underlying analysis with KNIME’s no-code data app building capabilities. 

  • Provide actionable insights to end users whenever they need them.
  • Empower self-service across the enterprise, freeing up data experts to work on more cutting-edge projects. 
  • Enable domain experts to inject expertise into models, improving the accuracy of results.
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Scaling data management for faster & safer aircraft phase-in

Rob’s team at EXSYN, a leading industry provider of aviation solutions, scaled data management to reduce aircraft phase-in processes from 3+ weeks to a few days. “Now brain power can go into further development of next steps, next solutions, and help the aviation industry more effectively with further innovation,” says Rob. By standardizing the process, building reusable components, and giving aircraft engineers widgets in their own language, EXSYN brought back aviation data to the engineer.

Speaker: Robert Vermeij (EXSYN Aviation Solutions)

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Tailor-build for any business decision 

Choose your level of complexity and interactivity for the best user experience. Build anything from simple forms to gather data, to interactive dashboards, to guided machine learning, to model monitoring.

Machine status monitor
Download and explore this maintenance example for free on KNIME Hub.
Linear regression builder
Download and explore this linear regression example for free on KNIME Hub.

Why KNIME for data apps

KNIME provides an intuitive drag & drop environment, for both creating and deploying data science.

No coding required (unless you want to)

Create data apps and deploy them using the same intuitive environment without ever writing a line of code unless you want to.

Invoke models & analyses of any level of complexity

Deploy data apps of any level of sophistication - whether it’s a simple form accepting data or it’s a sophisticated ML-powered predictive analysis.

Apply both data and domain expertise

Design data apps with interactive capabilities so you can capture the domain expertise of business-line counterparts.

Easily deploy your data apps

Deploy any workflow as a data app, without infrastructure expertise.Share apps easily via a link while ensuring security with role-based access control. Alternatively, embed data apps in third party applications.

Explain and replicate your results

Enable swift prototyping and auditing through visual programming. Ensure every logical step is readable to technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Part of a complete data science platform

  • Access and blend your data in KNIME’s visual programming environment
  • Reach out to any number of technologies integrated in KNIME’s open ecosystem. Connect to data warehouses like Snowflake or Databricks, utilize scripting languages like R and Python, and connect to any popular machine learning library, like H2O.
  • Construct your data apps using the same visual, intuitive environment, by dragging and dropping nodes or components onto the page.
  • Specify permissions. Share your data app through a secure connection or create a shareable, embeddable link.
  • Share with 5, 10, or 1000 end users.