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Cheat Sheets

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Building a KNIME Workflow for Beginners

This cheat sheet covers everything a beginner needs to know - from reading in data, to data exploration and transformation, through to analyzing and deployment.

knime for spreadsheet users cover

KNIME Analytics Platform for Spreadsheet Users

This cheat sheet will help you quickly understand popular nodes for spreadsheet users such as reading and writing data, cleaning, merging, filtering, and applying formulas.

control and orchestration

Control and Orchestration with KNIME Analytics Platform

This cheat sheet dives into some more advanced concepts and includes Flow Variables, Loops, Switches, Containers, and more.

components with knime ap

Building Components for your Team or the KNIME Community

Components really are KNIME nodes that you create with a KNIME workflow. This cheat sheet covers all the KNIME Analytics Platform features that you need to build reliable and reusable components and a few examples to get inspired.

data wrangling

Data Wrangling with KNIME Analytics Platform

This cheat covers everything you need to access your data and to bring it into the desired shape.

connectors with knime ap

Connectors with KNIME Analytics Platform

This cheat sheet covers connections to external tools and data sources. Note that we limited this cheat sheet to Connector and Reader nodes, however, each Reader node usually has a corresponding Writer node. Even more nodes are available and are under development.

machine learning

Machine Learning with KNIME Analytics Platform

This cheat sheet highlights the machine learning functionalities that are possible with KNIME Software.

working with knime server

Working with KNIME Server

This KNIME Server Cheat Sheet shows how you can work with KNIME Server to collaborate with your team, and automate, manage, and deploy your data science workflows as applications and services.
