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[L4-ML] Machine Learning Algorithms: Specialization

May 13 - 17, 2024 | Online Course
Online Course
[L4-ML] Machine Learning Algorithms: Specialization
Stacked TrianglesPanel BG

This course introduces you to the most commonly used Machine Learning algorithms used in Data Science applications. 

At the course we will explore different supervised algorithms for classification and numerical problems such as decision trees, logistic regression, and ensemble models. We will also look at recommendation engines and neural networks and investigate the latest advances in deep learning. In addition, we will examine unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering with k-means, hierarchical clustering, and DBSCAN.

We will also discuss various evaluation metrics for trained models and a number of classic data preparation techniques, such as normalization or dimensionality reduction.

This course is designed for current and aspiring data scientists who would like to learn more about machine learning algorithms used commonly in data science projects.

This is an instructor-led course consisting of four, 75-minutes online sessions run by one of our KNIME data scientists. Each session has an exercise for you to complete at home and together, we will go through the solution at the start of the following session. The course concludes with a 15 to 30-minute wrap up session.

  • Session 1: Introduction and Decision Tree Algorithm
  • Session 2: Regression Models, Ensemble Models, and Logistic Regression
  • Session 3: Neural Networks and Recommendation Engines
  • Session 4: Clustering and Data Preparation
  • Session 5: Wrap Up


You first need to create an account on the KNIME Learning Store. After you log on to the KNIME Learning Store, clicking on the “Register now” button will take you to the course web page.

You can join the course using the Zoom links found in your LearnUpon course page. You will also receive an email with the Zoom link one day prior to each session. Please note that each Zoom link is specific to a particular session. Make sure you have a stable internet connection!

Sure! The sessions will be recorded and you’ll have access to each one for one month from the time the session is over.

You must be competent in using KNIME Analytics Platform. We strongly recommend you be at the level of an advanced KNIME user -  for example you’ve taken a basic and advanced KNIME Analytics Platform Course and/or use KNIME on a regular basis.

Absolutely - fire away!

Your own laptop, ideally pre-installed with the latest version of KNIME Analytics Platform.

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