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Data Connect: North America in Philadelphia 

January 17, 2024 | Philadelphia
Data Connect: North America in Philadelphia
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6:00 PM - 6:10 PM - Welcome 

6:10 PM - 6:40 PM -  Introducing KNIME Analytics Platform: a tool for data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists

KNIME Analytics Platform is a tool for data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. Data analysts build data apps to visualize their data in complex interactive dashboards.  Data engineers blend and transform their data, via ETL or ELT, to build Data WareHouses or data lakes. Data scientists train and deploy a large variety of Machine Learning models, including AI based models.

By the way, you do not need any programming experience to use KNIME Analytics Platform, since it is a low code tool. You also do not need to buy a license, since it is free and open-source.

In this presentation, we will give you a quick tour of how KNIME Analytics Platform can be used by data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists.

6:40 PM - 7:10 PM - Scaling with KNIME - A startup journey

Delve into the intricacies of establishing and cultivating a resilient analytics organization and how organization both large and small can do the same.. Discover the instrumental role that KNIME has played in catalyzing the growth of a dynamic analytics team and understand how KNIME emerges as a strategic ally to navigate and excel in every phase of your organizational journey. Understand how this versatile platform not only meets immediate operational needs but also aligns seamlessly with the evolving demands of a growing organization.

7:10 PM - 8:00 PM - Networking and Refreshments 

8:00 PM - End