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What about data access?

Learn about all the data sources you can access with KNIME

October 30, 2017
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Wrangling data always starts with accessing data. KNIME lets you connect to practically any source, from csv and other formatted text files, to Excel workbooks, Google Sheets, web services, databases, big data and cloud platforms, as well as proprietary file formats of other software tools.

Here are some of the questions people ask on the KNIME Forum :-)

Can KNIME connect to MySQL databases?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has dedicated connectors for a number of databases and MySQL is one of them. We also have a generic connector for many other databases. Provided the JDBC driver file, KNIME can connect to most databases through this generic database connector node.

What about Microsoft SQL Server?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has dedicated connectors for a number of databases, including MS SQL Server. Also, provided the JDBC driver file, KNIME can connect to other databases through a generic database connector node.

What about Oracle?

Sure! Provided the JDBC driver file, KNIME can connect to an Oracle database through the generic database connector node.

What about MongoDB?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has a dedicated connector for MongoDB.

What about Google Geocoding REST service?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has dedicated nodes to connect to REST services.

What about YouTube REST service?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has dedicated nodes to connect to REST services, YouTube API included.

What about Google Translate REST service?

Sure! KNIME Analytics Platform has dedicated nodes to connect to REST services, Google Translate API included.

And Excel files?

Yes, of course... But, how about just watching this video?