Hi! Meet my avatar. I think it looks a bit like me, don’t you think? In a low-resolution kind of way… My avatar and I are attending the next KNIME Data Talks – Community Edition, where we hope to meet and network with other KNIME user avatars. Yes, for the next KNIME Data Talks event, you need to come with your own avatar!
Let’s proceed now with a little more order.
The KNIME Data Talks – Community Edition will take place on July 7 at two different times: 10:00 AM UTC +2 (Berlin) and 12:00 PM UTC -5 (Chicago). Same event, just two replicas to serve the different time zones of the world. Each event will last three hours.
This event has one and only one mission: to bring together the KNIME community! You can learn, sure, but you can also get to know that data scientist whose work you admire so much. You can listen to tutorials, sure, but you can also share your best practice secrets with fellow KNIME users. The only way to collect all KNIME players from all latitudes and longitudes, is to collect their avatars at a virtual event.
The event KNIME Data Talks – Community Edition has two sessions:
- A “Meet the Developers: A Virtual tour of New KNIME Features” session
- A two-hour open floor session with data science tutorials, user group meetings, workflow doctors, and KNIME booths.

Meet the Developers: A Virtual Tour of New KNIME Features
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin): 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
This KNIME Data Talks event coincides with the new release of KNIME software: KNIME Analytics Platform 4.4 and KNIME server 4.13. We will use the first hour of this event, to walk you around the KNIME Labs to unveil the newest features from this latest release.
I don’t want to ruin the surprise effect, but (mini spoiler alert)… You will see how to make best use of the free space you get on the KNIME Hub; you will get an enticing preview of the next generation of open source, low code KNIME software; you will learn how to automatically refresh your dashboard pages; you will see new integrations with popular external tools; you will learn how to implement a Continuous Deployment / Continuous Integration structure; and much more. I am stopping here. If you want to see more, you will need to attend.
The Main Floor Is Now Open!
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin): 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
After the virtual tour comes the moment of the avatars! You will be asked to exit the presentation and join the open floor of the event. Since you cannot really join a virtual open floor, this is also the moment to create your avatar. Spend a few minutes to choose it and to name it carefully, and then enter the space!
Here, your avatars have a few options:
- They can join the location where the Data Science Tutorials are running and learn something new in data science.
- They can join the space with the User Group Meetings, to see what the German, the Italian, or the American KNIME users are up to.
- They can visit the KNIME Booths and get a first-hand show and tell of the new features in the KNIME software, those they just saw during the virtual tour.
- They can directly point to the Workflow Doctors and finally fix that problem with their workflow.
- They can explore the main floor and procrastinate on what to do; in the time that it takes to make up their mind, they can network and chit chat with fellow KNIME users from all over the world, who are also procrastinating on the main floor like they are.

Data Science Tutorials
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin): 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM & again at 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM & again at 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Let’s see… what could we learn today? To date, we have prepared six tutorials so far, focusing on specific data science topics. More tutorials are still in the making and will appear in the list of offered tutorials soon.
Each tutorial will last 45 minutes and will run twice with a pause of 15 minutes in between. So, if you really are in the mood for learning, you could attend two full tutorials and still have some time left to wander around during the pauses.

User Group Meetings
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin):11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This is the great news of this community edition. Here, your avatar can meet other KNIME users, discuss best practices, share success stories, ask for new features, teach lesser expert users, learn from more expert users, brainstorm new regional events, offer help in translating existing books, volunteer to write new books, and generally network with other like-minded KNIMErs.
Notice that user group meetings will be open for the whole two hours following the virtual tour of the new KNIME features. You can drop in at any time. Somebody will be there waiting to talk with you!

KNIME Booths
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin):11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
If you got curious about some of the new features from the new release that were described in the earlier presentation, “Meet the Developers: A Virtual Tour of New KNIME Features”, here your avatar can experiment with them first-hand. You can ask for a demo and/or play around with the new features. You can ask for the old features too, in case you missed an update or two and you are working on a legacy platform!
Workflow Doctors
- Europe UTC + 2 (Berlin): 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Americas UTC -5 (Chicago): 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This is the first aid station for sick workflows. If you have an apparently unsolvable problem, an issue you cannot wrap your head around, this is the place! Workflow doctors Corey, Ana, Mark, and Marc are here to help you figure out a solution, probably using the magic words “Let me share my screen”.