Free Marvin Chemistry Extensions are now available in KNIME

Dear KNIME User

Together with our Life Science partners ChemAxon and Infocom we are pleased to announce the release of the free Marvin Chemistry Extensions. These nodes are now available from the KNIME update site.

The free Marvin Family nodes contain:


Marvin Sketch – a power full editor to draw chemical structures, queries and reactions


Marvin View – an advanced chemical viewer for single and multiple chemical structures, queries, reactions and non chemical data included in a table


Marvin Space – a 3D visualization tool for small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids or crystals.


MolConverter – Converts chemical structures between industry standard formats like SD File, Marvin, Mol Files, SMARTS, SMILES and others.




To install the free Marvin Chemistry Extensions select “Install KNIME Extensions” from the “File” menu in KNIME.  In the list of available software check the box “Marvin Chemistry Extensions”.


The KNIME team  

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