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Get ready for Just KNIME It! season 3

The weekly data challenges return in May

March 25, 2024
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Just KNIME It! is back and we invite you to get ready to solve the bite-sized weekly challenges starting May 15.

The series of data challenges, which launched in 2022, is designed to help the data science community improve their workflow-building skills with KNIME Analytics Platform, the intuitive and powerful open source low-code software.

The series was a success, and we came back for a second season in 2023. That time we got even more consistent participation. And now, here we are once again: announcing Just KNIME It! Season 3, which starts on May 15!

Over two seasons, the community solved all 70 challenges and uploaded their solutions to the KNIME Community Hub. The solutions have become ever more sophisticated, and participants are increasingly using KNIME Forum to collaborate, get feedback, and discuss their own workflows.

If you're hearing about Just KNIME It! for the first time, here’s how it works:

  1. Every Wednesday starting on May 15, we post a data-related problem that can be solved with KNIME.
  2. You think of a solution to the challenge (feel free to use the KNIME Forum to ask questions and get feedback), implement it as a workflow, and upload it to your personal KNIME Community Hub space.
  3. We share our own solution to the challenge one week later, on the following Tuesday.

The challenges come in three difficulty levels (easy, medium and hard), and cover a variety of data topics (for example, image manipulation and language models) with applications for different real-world problems (in healthcare or marketing, for instance). Our aim is to challenge and engage our community with fun mini-bytes of KNIMEness.

Many solutions are possible for any given challenge, and we encourage you to share your ideas on the KNIME Forum to keep the discussion going and to get feedback from other participants. Finally, if you have an idea for a challenge we’re taking suggestions in the KNIME Forum – no need to be shy!

Celebrating the Just KNIME It! KNinjas

We celebrate and award the top participants – the Just KNIME It! KNinjas – on the Just KNIME It! leaderboard. The board ranks users based on the number of solutions they have submitted. At the end of each season, we promote and award those at the top. You can learn more about these KNinjas by checking our blog posts on them (four top KNinjas in Season 1, and ten in Season 2). Wouldn’t it be great to be among these super talented participants in Season 3? 😉

Register here to receive weekly Just KNIME It! challenge reminders starting May 8